410-496-5188 onethought@ogot.org

Sunday Service Guest Speaker: Rev. Annette King-El
Testimony: Neeta Blair

OGOT Adventure In Faith 2024 Week #7 Vocational Unfoldment
“That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;”
KJV 10:1 Colossians

I, _____________ commit to use the avenues of prayer, meditation, and going into the silence as expressions of God’s ever-present power in my mind, body, and affairs

Being all that I am meant to be means the opening of opportunities and experiences uniquely designed for my spiritual growth.

One God One Thought Center for Better Living
Rev. Bernette L. Jones, Senior Minister
Rev. Jeannette Gatewood-Johnson, Associate Minister
Rev. Judith Hokhmah, Associate Minister


Contact us: onethought@ogot.org

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