410-496-5188 onethought@ogot.org

Sunday Service Speaker: Rev. Jeannette B. Gatewood-Johnson

“He said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life.” Revelation 21:6 (NIV)

Bulletin Points :
1. “It is done” – A Declaration of Completion: God’s plan for humanity is complete, and there is no more need to wait for the ultimate redemption.

2. “The Alpha and the Omega”: God’s Eternal Nature:
The first and last letters of the Greek alphabet represent God’s beginningless and endless existence, highlighting his sovereignty over all time.

3. “The Spring of the Water of Life”: A Symbol of Spiritual Refreshment:
This “water” represents the Holy Spirit, providing life and sustenance to those who drink from it.

4. “Without Cost”: God’s Unconditional Love:
The gift of eternal life is freely given by God, not earned by human merit

One God One Thought Center for Better Living
Rev. Bernette L. Jones, Senior Minister
Rev. Jeannette B. Gatewood-Johnson, Associate Minister
Rev. Judith Hokhmah, Associate Minister


Contact us: onethought@ogot.org

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